
Report a Sighting

Have you sighted a whale? We would love to hear about it.  Our whale sightings rely upon information received from the public. If you do see a whale let us know.

Report a Whale Sighting

Our whale sightings rely upon information received from the public. If you do see a whale please let us know.

Sightings can be reported by filling in your sighting details below or by calling the South Australian Whale Centre on (08) 8551 0750.

Whale Sighting Photos

At the South Australian Whale Centre we work with citizen scientists to collect images of whales to create a catalogue of whales that visit the Encounter Bay area. The Encounter Bay Right Whale Study (EBRWS) currently maintain a catalogue of in excess of 60 Southern Right Whales known to frequent our shores. If you’ve sighted a whale, and have a photo or video, please don’t hesitate to report it.

Whale Sighting Form

Please allow the form a few moments to load.